About Toronto Wireless

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Poll: Which Currently Available or Announced BlackBerry Smartphone do you Own or Plan to Buy?

Poll: Which Currently Available or Announced BlackBerry Smartphone do you Own or Plan to Buy?

How is it that we've never run a poll here on the blogs?
That just seems soooo wrong. It's time to change that! I think we can have a lot of fun here by running both standalone polls and by tieing polls in at the end of blog posts.
So get your polling thumbs ready....
It only makes sense for our first poll that we start with the basics... which BlackBerry do you currently own or plan to buy. Now..I know a lot of you either own multiple BlackBerry smartphones or are using an upcoming device that you shouldn't really be using. So if you own multiple devices or are about to upgrade, pick the one you're using/plan to be using the most. And if you're lucky enough to be rocking a model that err.. doesn't exist yet (onyx anyone??) then just pick the Older or Other BlackBerry option...

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